Marriage is tied to many historical, economic, religious, social, and cultural norms that just don't sit well with some couples. With many viewing marriage as an outdated institution, more and more people are embracing the idea of happily ever after without the marriage license and figuring out their own fairy tale ending. At this stage in my life my mindset is focused on less responsibility and creating more memories, the idea that a role is supposed to implore someone to be faithful to me.
"I like knowing that the person I'm with is choosing me instead of trying to make it work because we're married. I don't feel any less connected to my boyfriend; in fact, I appreciate that we both respect our relationship enough to work." without being forced. There's something so romantic about the idea that either of you can freely pick up and go at any time, but I'd rather not. Wedding is expensive too. I'd rather just move in with a boyfriend. It's easier to just break up without get the lawyers involved. Marriage is basically just a formality."